Main Navigation

The Main Navigation is a fixed navigation menu on the app that remains visible and in the same position as the user navigates the app.


Main Navigation
Variant Usage


Home tab selected


Knowledge tab selected


Privilege tab selected


Shop tab selected


Services tab selected


The main navigation is made up of the following;

  1. Container: Holds all icons.
  2. 3-5 Icons: 3-5 Icons that function as buttons for navigation.
  3. Notch: Native iOS component, enables user to swipe up to exit.



The main navigation:

  1. Has a left and right padding of 24px.
  2. Has a top and bottom padding of 6px.
  3. Space between icons should be equal, where icons are evenly distributed.

Text Style

Main navigation consists of only one text style, the label underneath the icons:

  1. The text has a size of 10px, and is semibold. Use “Label” text style on Figma.



Background and pop up modal fades in immediately. Allow customers to tap on a button or tap outside the modal to dismiss. Use as little as possible.

Dos and Don'ts

Use 3-5 icons within the main navigation, and keep labels short and concise.
Use less than 5 or more than 3 Top Level/Navigational menu items, truncate labels or wrap text within the main navigation bar.