Cards (Testimonials)

Cards are containers that group related information and action
about a single subject.


Testimonial Card
Variant Usage

Testimonial Card

This is used to represent a grouped view of a single testimonial provided by a single source.


All Testimonial Cards are made up of the following:


  1. Graphic: Indicates card content comprises of a testimonial.
  2. Title: Overview of the overall content.
  3. Content: Text content that describes and support the testimonial .
  4. Testimonial Source: Identifies the user that wrote the testimonial and the source of where the testimonial had been posted.



  1. Desktop: Fixed to 454px (4.5 columns in the desktop grid system).
  2. Mobile: Fixed to 327px (4 columns in the mobile grid system).


Text Style



  1. Card Header text at 24px, semibold and italic.
  2. Body text at 16px. Use “Body/Long Text Wall” text style on Figma.
  3. Testimonial Source text at 20px. Use “Card-Small Header/H4_semibold” text style on Figma.


  1. Card Header text at 20px, semibold and italic.
  2. Body text at 16px. Use “Body/Long Text Wall” text style on Figma.
  3. Testimonial Source text at 20px. Use “Card-Small Header/H4_semibold” text style on Figma.



Dos and Don'ts

Ensure that you have at least 2 and up to a maximum of 6 cards when using this type of card.
Do not use this design type of card if you only have enough content for 1.