Cards (Summary Content)

Summary Content cards contains a group of relevant content .


Variant Usage

Summary Card

Used to display a summary group of information which the users are able to expand upon.


Summary Cards are made up of the following:

  1. Card Title
  2. Edit Icon + Text
  3. Tags
  4. Document Icon
  5. Content Type
  6. Content Details
  7. View Details Label Text
  8. Arrow/View Button


Summary cards have a padding of 16px and a fixed width capped at 327px (87.2% of screen).

Text Style

  1. Card Title: Uses “Card Title” text style on Figma
    • Primary Grey color
  2. Edit: Uses “CTA” text style on Figma
    • Primary Grey color
  3. Tags: Uses “Tag” text style on Figma
    • Color is dependent on the color of the Label.
  4. Content Type
    • Uses “Body” text style on Figma
    • Primary Grey color
  5. Content Details
    • Uses “Body (Emphasis) text style on Figma
    • Primary Grey color
  6. View Details Label Text
    • Use “Body (Emphasis)” text style on Figma
    • Singlife Red color


Summary cards should stack downwards. Toggle on and off the (additional notes) and (details). Use only if necessary.

Dos and Don'ts

Keep the content type and content details short (ideally 2 lines, and do not exceed 3 lines).
Be longwinded on the content details, resulting in more text than necessary.