Notification Bars (Promotions)

Notification Bars communicate information to the user and provide time-sensitive or immediate feedback.


Variant Usage

Health (Purple)

For promotional offers related to the Health pillar.

Savings (Green)

For promotional offers related to the Savings pillar.

General Insurance (Orange)

For promotional offers related to the General Insurance pillar.

Investment (Blue)

For promotional offers related to the Investment pillar.

MINDEF & MHA (Brown)

For promotional offers related to the MINDEF & MHA Pillar.


Promotion Notification Bars are made up of the following:

  1. Icon: Symbolises the popup is a promotion.
  2. Content: Description of notification.
  3. Close Button: Dismisses the notification.


Desktop: Stretches grid to grid (12 Columns) in the desktop grid system.
Mobile: Stretches beyond the grid in the mobile grid system, spans from edge to edge.


Text Style

For both desktop and mobile, promotion notification bars uses a font size of 14px, in semibold.

Dos and Don'ts