Buttons (Text)

Text buttons are used actions that are of lesser importance
while maintaining emphasis on the content found typically in cards


Variant Usage

Icon on right

Primarily used to navigate users to an intended action i.e. to guide users to Account Details dashboard; often used in conjunction with a primary button i.e. the secondary button is for “Back”, and the text button is for “Cancel”.

Icon on Left

Used to emphasise an action with a visual cue; often used standalone i.e. filter

Icon on Left & Right

Used to emphasise an action with an icon and an navigation arrow; often used standalone

No Icon

Used for straightforward call-to-actions i.e. See All; often used in conjunction with a primary button i.e. the secondary button is for “Back”, and the text button is for “Cancel”.


Not available for use due to insufficient information or other business rules


All text button types share the same anatomy and are made up of the following:

  1. Primary Icon: A visual shortcut for navigation
  2. Secondary Icon: A visual shortcut for emphasis
  3. Text: Descriptor of the destination or call-to-action


Text buttons have a variable width dependent on the length of text. Accompanying icons are always nested in a 16px by 16px frame.


Text buttons have a text size of 14px, and uses Sentence case. Use “Body (Emphasis)” text style on Figma.

Do and Don't

Choose to stack text buttons (with right or no icon) as a standalone call-to-action
Do not stack two text buttons